What Must You Know About Pure vs. Raw CBD Oil?

CBD oil or Cannabidiol oil, which is extracted from the hemp plant, is known to have a lot of health benefits such as relaxation, healing, and pain relief. Scientists have agreed that CBD oil enhances the well being of individuals.

Although using it is easy, knowing about the kind of CBD oil product to use may be challenging. This happens due to the fact that individuals are often confused in selecting between Pure CBD Oil and Raw CBD oil. Before you decide to buy CBD products in California, you must know the difference between these two.

1. Methods for extraction
One of the differences in two different types of CBD oil is the method which is used for preparation. In the extraction of Pure CBD oil, carbon dioxide extraction is used. As a result, there are no solvents present in this type of CBD oil. On the contrary, Raw CBD oil uses the method of oil extraction, which has the presence of solvents in the oil. 

2. Heating procedure
Going further, the heating process, which is administered in both types of CBD oils are different. In the Raw CBD oil extraction process, the oil is procured from the seeds and flowers of the hemp plant, which does not involve any heating. In contrast, the Pure CBD oil extraction process involves heating. As a result, all the other elements apart from the CBD are lost in this process.

3. Taste of the oil
The raw and pure CBD oils have a unique quality, which makes them different- and that is their taste. Due to the extraction methods, the Raw CBD oil has a sharper and a bitter flavor as compared to the other CBD oils. In comparison with the Raw CBD oil, the Pure CBD oil has a better taste. The Pure organic CBD oil has a soft- nut-like flavor, thus making it easier to use and consume. 

So, use these points to know the difference between these CBD oils whenever you buy CBD products in California.


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